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implicit function theorem中文是什么意思

用"implicit function theorem"造句"implicit function theorem"怎么读"implicit function theorem" in a sentence


  • 隐函数定理


  • A complete analysis must build on the implicit function theorem .
  • Second part , using approximation method and implicit function theorem , we obtain the existence of large amplitude 2 - periodic bouncing for damped linear impact osillator with mutiple impacts in one period
    在第二部分里,我们运用逼近框架与隐函数定理,对于带小阻尼的线性碰撞振子,证明了在一周期内发生多次碰撞的大振幅2 -周期解的存在性。
  • Then with implicit function theorem the flexible workspace is dealt with . by using the jacobian matrix of the hybrid input mechanism , the sensitivity of output is obtained . then the condition number of jacobian matrix is derived
  • In latter part of chapter three , some exciting properties of the revised lagrangian function discussed first , which leads to form a dual algorithm of cora or cot . convergence theorem proved by banach perturbation theorem , bertsekas implicit function theorem ii and by analyzing hesse matrix of revised largrangian function
用"implicit function theorem"造句  


In multivariable calculus, the implicit function theorem is a tool which allows relations to be converted to functions. It does this by representing the relation as the graph of a function.
implicit function theorem的中文翻译,implicit function theorem是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译implicit function theorem,implicit function theorem的中文意思,implicit function theorem的中文implicit function theorem in Chineseimplicit function theorem的中文implicit function theorem怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。